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Solutions to unreasonable use of rice cooker accessories


Many people cannot get new customers because they focus on new development instead of focusing on technology research and development and helping customers solve technical problems. The difficulty level of developing a new customer is very difficult compared to that of a trading company with no technical experience!

Below I will share a case in which I once helped the proprietress of a trading company obtain customers.

The boss lady came to me one day and said that one of her customers had a broken microswitch in a rice cooker, causing the electric hot plate to burn out and become deformed. She also tried to think about whether the accessories were used unreasonably, but she couldn't be sure. After asking about the customer's situation in detail, I taught her a method:

I asked the landlady to ask the customer to send a broken rice cooker quickly. I looked it up and down carefully and came to the conclusion:

1. The micro switch accessories are used unreasonably and their lifespan is not long enough;

2. There are not enough heat dissipation holes at the bottom of the rice cooker, which leads to a decrease in heat dissipation function, causing the plastic shell of the micro switch to be heated and deformed, causing the micro switch to become stuck and unable to effectively jump, and ultimately burning out the heating plate.

3. Due to the unreasonable use of accessories, it is recommended that customers use special jumping poles. In addition to finding the problem, it also helps customers solve the problem.

4. For the problem of poor heat dissipation function, the customer is asked to add more heat dissipation holes on the bottom plate of the rice cooker to increase the heat dissipation channel.

Within a minute, the customer responded with a thank you message.

After two days, the customer approached the proprietress to place an order for products and equipment, and successfully won this big customer.

The professional technical knowledge and experience not only successfully won a large customer, but also gained new knowledge and experience.

This case wants to tell everyone, don’t just focus on the money in the customer’s pocket. Customers are not stupid and can feel it.

Only when you truly care about your customers, help them solve their problems, and provide value without being so utilitarian, you will often get surprises. Do customers really care about your resources? No, he cares about whether your experience and skills can solve problems for him!

Solutions to unreasonable use of rice cooker accessories

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