After-sales service
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After-sales service

1After-sales installation service

Confirm The Receipt Of Goods

Confirm The Receipt Of Goods

Send installation video and instructions (QR code)

Send installation video and instructions (QR code)

Video call to confirm installation is correct

Video call to confirm installation is correct

Send operational training video

Send operational training video

2Service during the warranty period

The after-sales commitment of all mechanical equipment completed by our company: free accessories will be provided within one year from the date of shipment of the equipment.

2Services with problems after one year:

The company provides technical support, remote assistance, charges for replacement materials, and sends out the mail within 24 hours of the agreed time. If the customer needs to go to the site to solve the problem, the customer needs to bear the round-trip air tickets, labor costs and accommodation fees.

Our Knowledgeable Team is Here to Help

If you need a complete range of rice cooker equipment and accessories, please contact us.

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